My recipe for your success? Confidentiality, trust, honesty and commitment.

To start, what is Coaching?

Coaching is a process used to empower individuals and help them reach their goals, desires or objectives; it's a structured conversation between the Coach and the Client – a discussion started with the end in mind. During a coaching session, as your coach, I will walk by your side to help you reach your ultimate goal and aspirations. I'll listen to you, ask questions, fnd out what your challenges are and inspire you to achieve that end goal. You'll always be encouraged to make decisions and take responsibility for these decisions.

How does coaching work?

Different coaches use different models to structure their sessions. A popular model is the GROW model which is an acronym for the areas explored – Goals, Reality, Options and Way forward. This model keeps you moving forward towards your goal. As your coach, I will be asking you questions, listening to your responses, challenging you while remaining non-judgemental regarding the details and not offering you any advice.

What will happen during a coaching session?

Coaching is predominantly carried out over the phone, through Google Meet or face-to-face. The usual procedure is that I send you a calendar invite with all the details each time we schedule a session. You will be guided through a 6-point process: - Review the previous session and the actions that you completed; - Set the goal for that session; - Consider where you are at the present moment with this goal; - Think about your options in meeting this goal; - Agree on next actions; - Summarise the session before completing the session; Each session is around 1 hour (I won't rush you to finish the session so I always allow enough time between clients). I'll manage the timing of the session and ensure you gain full value from our session together.

What coaching is not?

Coaching is not about myself as your coach giving you suggestions or advice. I am not mentoring or counselling you. In the event that you commence a series of coaching sessions, and find that coaching isn't the right support mechanism for you, then we'll talk about this directly and aim to find a suitable solution to support your onward journey.

Who else will know what has been said?

A coaching session is entirely confidential. I agree and comply with the Coaching Code of Conduct and only in extreme circumstances will this confidence be breached. This includes criminal acts, or the intent to cause harm to yourself or others.

What do you need from me during a session?

To make sure your time is well spent, you're expected to come to the session fully prepared and with a goal or aspiration in mind that you'd like to work towards. Preparation is essential for the coaching session so you're encouraged to spend 10 minutes before the session taking yourself to an environment where you'll not be disturbed, with a drink and feeling refreshed to relax before the start of the session. You'll also need to ensure you have a pen and paper to hand and any other items you think will be useful such as a diary.

How do I know if coaching is right for me?

Do you feel you’re not reaching full potential and/or merely unfulfilled? Is there a gap between where you are now and where you should be? Do you sometimes feel you don’t have the skills, resources or confidence to get something complete? Do you feel stuck and put off making decisions or fail to stick to those choices you've made? Are you ready to entertain new and fresh ideas? Are you willing to be accountable for what you desire? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then coaching can most definitely support you to become a better version of yourself.

I want to start my coaching journey now. What do I do?

Hit the button below and we will organise space and time where you can ask me your questions and explore my coaching.

Time is your most valuable asset. Make it count.